100% Legally Compliant Security Company

Machine learning security cameras
Women and Security

Women and Security

An evocative title, that immediately evokes a myriad of issues, thoughts, and emotions. This subject line can produce endless articles and debates that challenge history, the future and the here and now. This blog is just going to focus on a schism around the here and...

Rethinking how we Respond to Vagrants

Rethinking how we Respond to Vagrants

We are currently living in the aftermath of COVID 19, which means the effects of job loss and unemployment are still increasingly high. As South Africans, we already have some of the worst unemployment statistics. Therefore, we must recognise that vagrants and...

Fight the Unseen with ZOONO

Fight the Unseen with ZOONO

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to make the same mistakes again… This is not just a saying, but a truism! If we have learnt anything from our recent pandemic past, it is that our enemy is often unseen. With the winter upon us once again, we are faced...

Commercial Crime Trends

Commercial Crime Trends

Our economy continues suffering under the strain of a lack of jobs, increased living expenses, and heightened crime levels. Our country is still trying to emerge from the aftermath of the national lockdown and continues to stumble through load shedding. Desperation...

Tips on how to Beat Load-Shedding

Tips on how to Beat Load-Shedding

Strategies to Minimise the Frustration of Load-Shedding South Africans all over the country are faced with load-shedding on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it will continue to be part of our lives. In our tech-driven world, load-shedding is extremely disruptive....

What you need to know about the Census StatsSA 2022

What you need to know about the Census StatsSA 2022

On the 3rd of February, StatsSA launched the fourth post-democratic population census. Additionally, it is the country’s first digital census where at least 165 000 fieldworkers are deployed to count everyone within our borders. Since starting, and until the 28th of...

“Onion” Security

“Onion” Security

It is Broubart’s passion to help our clients and community with safety issues and advice. The newest buzzword in security is “layered security measures”; hence the blog title “Onion Security” – as the layers of an onion protects the fragile new shoot on the inside, so...

How To Keep Safe During The Festive Season

How To Keep Safe During The Festive Season

The festive season is finally upon us. It is a time where many South Africans are preparing to relax and spend time with loved ones. Yet, this time is also very active, and we tend to get busy quickly. Whether it be gift shopping, decorating your home, or travelling,...

Staying Ahead with Technology Trends in Video Surveillance

Staying Ahead with Technology Trends in Video Surveillance

As we may know, video surveillance is continuously developing with no real signs of this changing in the future. Keeping up with the trends may be consuming. However, with this developing technology going beyond traditional physical security, why not take full...